Bible Books: Introductions and Subjects
Old Testament
- Author: Moses, the author of the five books of the Law (Deut. 31:9, 24; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 28:23; 2 Cor. 3:15).
- Time of Writing: Probably about 1490 B.C., when Exodus was written (see introductory material in Exodus).
- Place of Writing: In the wilderness east of Egypt.
- Time Period Covered: From the beginning of creation (1:1) until approximately 1653 B.C., the death of Joseph (50:26).
- Subject: God Created, Satan Corrupted, Man Fell, and Jehovah Promised to Save
- Author: Moses (Mark 12:26 and Luke 20:37, quoting Exo. 3:6; Mark 7:10, quoting Exo. 20:12), the author of the five books of the Law (Deut. 31:9, 24; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 28:23; 2 Cor. 3:15).
- Time of Writing: Approximately 1490 B.C. (cf. 1 Kings 6:1) in the second year after the exodus, after the tabernacle was erected (40:17).
- Place of Writing: In the wilderness and at Mount Sinai (19:1-2; 34:27-29).
- Time Period Covered: From approximately 1706 B.C., when Jacob came to Egypt (1:1), until one year after the exodus from Egypt (40:17) in 1490 B.C. Most of the book covers a period of about one year (12:2; 19:1; 40:17).
- Subject: Christ is the Redemption, Salvation, and Supply of God's People and the Means for Them to Worship and Serve God So That in Him They May Be Built Up with God Together for Them and God to Meet, Communicate, and Dwell Mutually
- Author: Moses (Matt. 8:4, referring to Lev. 14:10-32; Rom. 10:5, quoting Lev. 18:5), the author of the five books of the Law (Deut. 31:9, 24; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 28:23; 2 Cor. 3:15).
- Time of Writing: Approximately 1490 B.C. (cf. 1 Kings 6:1) in the second year after the exodus, after the tabernacle was erected (1:1).
- Place of Writing: In the wilderness, near Mt. Sinai (1:1; Exo. 19:2).
- Time Period Covered: One month, from the erection of the tabernacle on the first day of the first month in the second year after the exodus from Egypt (Exo. 40:17) to the first day of the second month of the same year (Num. 1:1), 1490 B.C.
- Subject: Christ is Everything in the Fellowship, Service, and Life of God's Redeemed
- Author: Moses (33:2; Ezra 6:18, referring to Num. 3:6-7), the author of the five books of the Law (Deut. 31:9, 24; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 28:23; 2 Cor. 3:15).
- Time of Writing: Approximately 1452 B.C., before the end of Israel's wandering in the wilderness for forty years (32:13).
- Place of Writing: In the plains of Moab by the Jordan River at Jericho (36:13).
- Time Period Covered: Almost thirty-nine years, 1490-1452 B.C., from the second month of the second year after the exodus from Egypt (1:1) to the tenth month of the fortieth year (Deut. 1:3).
- Subject: Christ is the Meaning of Life, the Testimony, the Center of God's People, and the Leader, the Way, and the Goal of Their Journey and Fighting
- Author: Moses (Rom. 10:19, quoting Deut. 32:21; Neh. 13:1, referring to Deut. 23:3; Luke 20:28, referring to Deut. 25:5), the author of the five books of the Law (31:9, 24; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:45; 5:46; Acts 28:23; 2 Cor. 3:15). The final chapter (ch. 34) was probably written by someone other than Moses.
- Time of Writing: Approximately 1452 B.C., before the end of Israel's wandering in the wilderness for forty years (Num. 32:13).
- Place of Writing: In the plains of Moab (34:1).
- Time Period Covered: The last two months of 1452 B.C., the fortieth year after the exodus from Egypt (1:3; 34:8).
- Subject: Christ is the Instructor and Leader of the People of God That They May Be Able to Enter into the Heavenly Territory and Participate in His Riches
- Author: Joshua (24:26).
- Time of Writing: 1452-1426 B.C. (see below).
- Place of Writing: The plains of Moab (cf. Deut. 34:8-9) and Shechem in Canaan (24:1, 25-26).
- Time Period Covered: About twenty-seven years, 1452-1426 B.C., from the first month of the forty-first year after the exodus (4:19) to the death of Joshua (24:29).
- Subject: Israel's Occupying and Possessing the Good Land for the Carrying Out of God's Economy
- Author: Probably Samuel.
- Time of Writing: The eleventh century B.C.
- Place of Writing: Canaan.
- Time Period Covered: About 305 years, from about 1425 B.C. to 1120 B.C., from after Joshua's death (1:1) to the death of Samson (16:30-31; cf. Acts 13:19-20).
- Subject: Israel's Forsaking God, Suffering Defeat by Their Enemies, and Becoming Rotten
- Author: According to the contents of the book, its author should be Samuel.
- Time of Writing: The eleventh century B.C., after the rule of the judges and in the time of the kings (cf. 4:22).
- Place of Writing: Moab (1:1) and Bethlehem in Judah (1:22).
- Time Period Covered: About eleven years (1:4; 4:13), from about 1322 B.C. to about 1312 B.C.
- Subject: A Complete Prefigure of the Gentile Sinners' Being Brought,
1 Samuel
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Samuel were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. First Samuel 1—24 was written by Samuel (1 Chron. 29:29; 1 Sam. 25:1). The remainder of 1 Samuel and all of 2 Samuel were written by Nathan the prophet and Gad the seer (1 Chron. 29:29).
- Time of Writing: The eleventh century B.C.
- Place of Writing: Ephraim and Judah.
- Time Period Covered: About 155 years, approximately 1171-1017 B.C.
- Subject: The Illustrations of the Way to Enjoy the God-given Good Land
2 Samuel
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Samuel were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. First Samuel 1—24 was written by Samuel (1 Chron. 29:29; 1 Sam. 25:1). The remainder of 1 Samuel and all of 2 Samuel were written by Nathan the prophet and Gad the seer (1 Chron. 29:29).
- Time of Writing: The eleventh century B.C.
- Place of Writing: Ephraim and Judah.
- Time Period Covered: About 155 years, approximately 1171-1017 B.C.
- Subject: The Illustrations of the Way to Enjoy the God-given Good Land
1 Kings
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Kings were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. Nothing in 1 and 2 Kings indicates who the author was. Some Jewish and Christian teachers have supposed that Jeremiah wrote them.
- Time of Writing: Some time during the Babylonian captivity of Israel and after 561 B.C. (2 Kings 25:27).
- Place of Writing: Probably in Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: The two books cover 455 years: 1 Kings covers 119 years, from 1015 to 897 B.C., that is, from the death of David (2:10) to the reign of Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, king of Israel (22:51); 2 Kings covers 336 years, from 896 B.C. to 561 B.C., that is, from the reign of Jehoram, the son of Ahab, king of Israel (3:1-3) to the captivity, during the reign of Evil-merodach in Babylon (25:27).
- Subject: God's Governmental Dealing in God's Economy with the Devastation and Ruin of the Divine Kingship on Earth by the Kings and the Tragic Issue of the Just Dealing of God
2 Kings
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Kings were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. Nothing in 1 and 2 Kings indicates who the author was. Some Jewish and Christian teachers have supposed that Jeremiah wrote them.
- Time of Writing: Some time during the Babylonian captivity of Israel and after 561 B.C. (2 Kings 25:27).
- Place of Writing: Probably in Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: The two books cover 455 years: 1 Kings covers 119 years, from 1015 to 897 B.C., that is, from the death of David (2:10) to the reign of Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, king of Israel (22:51); 2 Kings covers 336 years, from 896 B.C. to 561 B.C., that is, from the reign of Jehoram, the son of Ahab, king of Israel (3:1-3) to the captivity, during the reign of Evil-merodach in Babylon (25:27).
- Subject: God's Governmental Dealing in God's Economy with the Devastation and Ruin of the Divine Kingship on Earth by the Kings and the Tragic Issue of the Just Dealing of God
1 Chronicles
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Chronicles were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. They were probably written by Ezra (cf. 2 Chron. 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-3a).
- Time of Writing: Probably after 458 B.C., during the reign of Artaxerxes the king of Persia (Ezra 7:1), when Ezra returned from Babylon to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:31-32). Place of Writing: Perhaps in Jerusalem.
- Place of Writing: Perhaps in Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: The two books cover 517 years: 1 Chronicles covers about forty-one years (excluding the forefathers' genealogy in chs. 1—9), from 1056 B.C. to 1015 B.C., that is, from the death of Saul (ch. 10) to the death of David (29:28); 2 Chronicles covers about 476 years, from 1015 B.C. to 539 B.C., that is, from the reign of Solomon (1:1) to the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia (36:22).
- Subject: A Full Chronology of God's Move in Man's History from Adam through Samuel to Israel's Return from Their Captivity, with a Presentation of Some of the Important Details of God's Dealing with the Kings of Judah
2 Chronicles
- Author: Originally, 1 and 2 Chronicles were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures. They were probably written by Ezra (cf. 2 Chron. 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-3a).
- Time of Writing: Probably after 458 B.C., during the reign of Artaxerxes the king of Persia (Ezra 7:1), when Ezra returned from Babylon to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:31-32). Place of Writing: Perhaps in Jerusalem.
- Place of Writing: Perhaps in Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: The two books cover 517 years: 1 Chronicles covers about forty-one years (excluding the forefathers' genealogy in chs. 1—9), from 1056 B.C. to 1015 B.C., that is, from the death of Saul (ch. 10) to the death of David (29:28); 2 Chronicles covers about 476 years, from 1015 B.C. to 539 B.C., that is, from the reign of Solomon (1:1) to the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia (36:22).
- Subject: A Full Chronology of God's Move in Man's History from Adam through Samuel to Israel's Return from Their Captivity, with a Presentation of Some of the Important Details of God's Dealing with the Kings of Judah
- Author: Ezra, a descendant of Aaron (7:1-5), and a priest and a scribe skilled in the law of Moses (7:6, 11-12).
- Time of Writing: After 457 B.C.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: This book covers a period of about eighty-two years, from 539 B.C. to 457 B.C., from the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia (1:1) to the first day of the first month following the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king of Persia (10:17; 7:7).
- Subject: The Return of the Children of Israel from Their Captivity and the Rebuilding of the House of God as the Initiation of God's Recovery among His Elect for His Testimony on the Earth according to His Economy
- Author: Nehemiah, who was cupbearer to Artaxerxes the king of Persia and Babylon (1:11).
- Time of Writing: After 433 B.C.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: This book covers a period of at least twelve years, from 445 B.C. to 433 B.C., from the twentieth year (1:1) to some time after the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes the king of Persia and Babylon (13:6-7).
- Subject: The Rebuilding of the Wall of the City of Jerusalem as a Continual Recovery among God's Elect for His Testimony for the Accomplishment of His Economy
- Author: Probably Mordecai (9:20, 23), Esther's cousin, who raised her (2:5, 7).
- Time of Writing: Around 474 B.C., in the twelfth month of the twelfth year of Ahasuerus (9:20, 18; 3:7).
- Place of Writing: Susa, capital of the Persian Empire (1:2).
- Time Period Covered: This book covers a period of at least ten years, from 484 B.C. to 474 B.C., from the third year of Ahasuerus (Xerxes) the king of Persia (1:3) to some time after the fifteenth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year of Ahasuerus (9:18; 3:7).
- Subject: The Very God Who Chose Israel as His Elect Becoming a Hidden God to Them to Take Care of Them Secretly and to Save Them Openly While Acting in Secrecy during Their Captivity among the Gentile Nations
- Author: Job.
- Time of Writing: According to the way of Job's nomadic living (1:3) and the way he offered the burnt offering for his children, it seems that this book was written at the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (v. 5; Gen. 22:13; 31:54), about 2000 B.C., five hundred years before Moses wrote the Pentateuch.
- Place of Writing: The land of Uz (1:1), an area associated with Edom (Lam. 4:21), west of the Arabian desert.
- Time Period Covered: The period of time that this book covers cannot be determined with accuracy; however, after his trials Job lived another 140 years (42:16), making the period of this book close to two hundred years, somewhere around 2000 B.C.
- Subject: The Purpose of God's Dealing with His Holy One
- Author: David wrote seventy-three psalms (3—9; 11—32; 34—41; 51—65; 68—70; 86; 101; 103; 108—110; 122; 124; 131; 133; 138—145); the sons of Korah, twelve (42—49; 84—85; 87—88); Asaph, twelve (50; 73—83); Solomon, two (72; 127); Ethan, one (89); and Moses, one (90). The authors of the other forty-nine psalms are unknown.
- Time of Writing: Beginning in the eleventh century B.C. (except Psalm 90, written by Moses in the fifteenth century B.C.).
- Place of Writing: Mainly Jerusalem.
- Subject: The Expressions of the Sentiments, Feelings, Impressions, and Experiences of Godly Men Seeking and Contacting God through Their Praises, Prayers, and Singing with Exultation
- Author: The main writers and collectors are Solomon (1:1; 10:1; 25:1; cf. 1 Kings 4:32; Eccl. 12:9) and Hezekiah (25:1), who added some proverbs of the forefathers in chs. 25—29. Chapter 30 is attributed to Agur, and ch. 31 to King Lemuel; nothing definite is known concerning either man.
- Time of Writing: About 1000 B.C. (Solomon's portion, chs. 1—24) and about 700 B.C. (Hezekiah's portion, chs. 25—29). The time of writing for chs. 30—31 is unknown.
- Place of Writing: Probably Jerusalem.
- Subject: Words of Wisdom Teaching People How to Behave and How to Build Up Their Character in the Human Life
- Author: Solomon (1:1, 12; 12:9; cf. 1 Kings 4:32).
- Time of Writing: About 977 B.C., after Solomon's fall (1 Kings 11:1-8)
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem (1:1, 12).
- Subject: The Teachings of Solomon, Showing That the Human Life in the Corrupted World Is a Vanity, a Chasing after the Wind
Song of Solomon
- Author: Solomon (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Around 1000 B.C
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Subject: The History of Love in an Excellent Marriage, Revealing the Progressive Experience of an Individual Believer's Loving Fellowship with Christ
- Author: Isaiah (1:1; Matt. 3:3; John 12:39-41; Rom. 15:12).
- Time of Writing: The eighth century B.C.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Time Period Covered: About sixty-four years, from around 760 B.C., a few years before the death of King Uzziah (Azariah), to about 696 B.C., a few years after the death of Hezekiah (6:1; 1:1).
- Subject: The Salvation of Jehovah through the Incarnated, Crucified, Resurrected, Ascended, and Coming Christ
- Author: Jeremiah (1:1).
- Time of Writing: The late seventh and early sixth centuries B.C.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem and Egypt.
- Time Period Covered: This book covers a period of at least forty-two years, from 628 B.C., the thirteenth year of Josiah's reign (1:2), until some time after 586 B.C., after Gedaliah the governor of Judah was murdered (41:2) and Jeremiah was carried away to Egypt (43:6-8).
- Subject: Christ Being Made the Righteousness of Jehovah to God's Elect as Their Center and Circumference, in God's Dealings with Israel and the Nations
- Author: Jeremiah (according to 1:1 in the Septuagint; cf. also 2 Chron. 35:25)
- Time of Writing: Shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Subject: The Expression of Jeremiah's Sorrow and Love over the Holy City and the Holy People of God
- Author: Ezekiel (1:3).
- Time of Writing: The sixth century B.C.
- Place of Writing: By the river Chebar, in the village of Tel-abib (1:1; 3:15), not far from the city of Babylon.
- Time Period Covered: A period of twenty-two years, from 593 B.C., the fifth year of Jehoiachin's captivity (1:2), to 571 B.C., the twenty-seventh year (29:17).
- Subject: God's Appearing to Man in Glory, His Judgment upon Both His People and the Nations, and His Recovery of His Chosen People for the Building Up of a Dwelling Place as a Mutual Abode and Complete Expression for and of Himself
- Author: Daniel.
- Time of Writing: The sixth century B.C.
- Place of Writing: Babylon.
- Time Period Covered: A period of sixty-eight years, from 605 B.C., the third year of Jehoiakim's reign (1:1), to 537 B.C., the third year of Cyrus's reign (10:1).
- Subject: The Destiny of Israel Apportioned Out by God—The Contents of the Seventy Weeks
- Author: Hosea (1:1).
- Time of Writing: A period of about sixty years, from approximately 785 B.C., during the reign of Uzziah (Azariah), king of Judah, to approximately 725 B.C., during the reign of Hezekiah, king of Judah (1:1).
- Place of Writing: The northern kingdom of Israel.
- Object of His Ministry: The northern kingdom of Israel.
- Subject: Jehovah as Salvation to the Adulterous and Apostate Israel in Receiving Her Back and Restoring Her
- Author: Joel (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 800 B.C., probably after the prophet Elisha
- Place of Writing: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Subject: The Devastation of the Human Government on Israel in Four Stages and Christ's Destruction of the Devastators and His Reign among Israel in the Restoration
- Author: Amos (1:1a).
- Time of Writing: About 787 B.C. (1:1b).
- Place of Writing: Bethel, in the northern kingdom of Israel (7:13)
- Object of His Ministry: The northern kingdom of Israel.
- Subject: Jehovah's Judgments on Israel and the Surrounding Nations, with the Issue of Restoration
- Author: Obadiah (v. 1).
- Time of Writing: About 880 or 587 B.C.; it is hard to determine which date is correct
- Place of Writing: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Subject: Jehovah's Dealing with Esau, and Jacob's Victory for the Kingdom of Jehovah
- Author: Jonah (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 862 B.C., at the time of the prophet Elisha (896-838 B.C.)
- Place of Writing: Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.
- Object of His Ministry: The people of Nineveh (1:2; 3:2).
- Subject: Jehovah's Salvation Reaching Even unto the Gentile City Nineveh
- Author: Micah (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 750-710 B.C., at the time of Isaiah and Hosea
- Place of Writing: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: The whole nation of Israel, including Judah.
- Subject: Jehovah's Reproof on Israel and His Restoration of Israel
- Author: Nahum (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 713 B.C., the year in which Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, invaded Judah (2 Kings 18:13-19:37).
- Place of Writing: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.
- Subject: Jehovah's Judgment on Nineveh as the Capital of the Evil Assyria
- Author: Habakkuk (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 626 B.C., close to the time of the Babylonian invasion and the first exile to Babylon (605 B.C.).
- Place of Writing: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: The southern kingdom of Judah.
- Subject: The Righteous Judgment of God First on Israel by the Chaldeans and Then on the Chldeans by the Nations
- Author: Zephaniah (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 630 B.C., at the time of Habakkuk and Jeremiah, not long before the beginning of the Babylonian captivity (605 B.C.).
- Place of Writing: Judah.
- Object of His Ministry: The territory of Judah and Jerusalem, the capital of Judah.
- Subject: Jehovah's Judgment on Israel and on the Nations and His Salvation to the Gentiles and to Israel
- Author: Haggai (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 520 B.C., the second year of Darius Hystaspes (1:1; Ezra 4—6; different from both the Darius in Daniel 9:1; 11:1 and the one in Nehemiah 12:22), at the time of Zechariah (Ezra 5:1).
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Object of His Ministry: The captives who returned to Jerusalem (1:1).
- Subject: Jehovah's Dealing with the Returned Captives for the Building of His House
- Author: Zechariah (1:1).
- Time of Writing: From about 520 B.C., the second year of Darius Hystaspes (1:1; Ezra 4—6; different from both the Darius in Daniel 9:1; 11:1 and the one in Nehemiah 12:22), to about 518 B.C., the fourth year of Darius (7:1).
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem (7:2-4).
- Object of His Ministry: The captives returning to Jerusalem.
- Subject: Jehovah's Hearty Consolation and Promise to His Chastised Chosen People through the Redemption of Christ, Who in His Humiliation Became Their Suffering Companion in Their Captivity
- Author: Malachi (1:1).
- Time of Writing: About 430 B.C., at Nehemiah's time.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem.
- Object of His Ministry: The Israelites who had returned from captivity
- Subject: Jehovah's Dealing with the Sons of Levi (the Priests among Israel) and with the Sons of Jacob (the People of Israel)
New Testament
- Author: Matthew, also called Levi, formerly a tax collector, later an apostle (9:9; Luke 5:27), as indicated by the omitted reference to him as the host of the reception in 9:10 and by the special mentioning of him as the tax collector in 10:3.
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 37-40, shortly after the Lord's resurrection (28:15) and prior to the destruction of the temple (24:2).
- Place of Writing: Probably the land of Judea.
- Recipients: The Jews in general, as indicated by the absence of explanations about Jewish customs and festivals (15:2, cf. Mark 7:2-3; Matt. 26:17, cf. Mark 14:12).
- Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom—Proving That Jesus Christ Is the King-Savior
- Author: Mark; see details in note 11 in ch. 1.
- Time of Writing: The words spoken in 13:2 seem to indicate that this book was written before the destruction of the holy temple. Perhaps it was written between A.D. 67 and 70, after the death of the apostle Paul.
- Place of Writing: Perhaps Rome; see 2 Timothy 4:11.
- Recipients: Frequent explanations of Jewish names, customs, and festivals in this book (3:17; 5:41; 7:3, 11; 14:12; 15:42) prove that it was written to the Gentiles, specifically the Romans.
- Subject: The Gospel of God—Proving That Jesus Christ Is the Slave-Savior
- Author: Luke; see note 31 in ch. 1.
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 60, before Acts was written (Acts 1:1).
- Place of Writing: Probably Caesarea, when Paul was imprisoned there (cf. Acts 23:33; 24:27; 27:1)
- Recipient: Theophilus (1:3); see note 32 in ch. 1.
- Subject: The Gospel of the Forgiveness of Sins—Proving That Jesus Christ Is the Man-Savior
- Author: The apostle John (21:20, 24), son of Zebedee (Matt. 10:2), whose brother was James and whose mother was Salome (Matt. 27:56; Mark 15:40).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 90.
- Place of Writing: Perhaps Ephesus.
- Recipients: All believers, both in Judea and throughout the Gentile lands, as indicated by the translations offered by John in 1:38; 5:2; and 19:13
- Subject: The Gospel of Life—Proving That Jesus Christ Is God the Savior Coming as Life to Propagate Himself
- Author: Luke; see note 31 in Luke 1.
- Time of Writing: A.D. 67 or 68, after the Gospel of Luke was written (1:1)
- Place of Writing: Perhaps Rome (cf. Philem. 24; 2 Tim. 4:11).
- Recipient: Theophilus (1:1); see note 32 in Luke 1
- Subject: The Propagation of the Resurrected Christ in His Ascension, by the Spirit, through the Disciples, for the Producing of the Churches—The Kingdom of God
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 60, on Paul's third ministry journey
- Place of Writing: Corinth (Rom. 15:25-32; Acts 19:21; 20:1-3).
- Recipients: The saints in Rome (1:7).
- Subject: The Gospel of God—To Make Sinners Sons of God to Constitute the Body of Christ, Which Is Expressed as the Local Churches
1 Corinthians
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1; 9:1-2), twenty-five years after he was called (Acts 9:3-6, 15-16) and fourteen years after he was sent to the Gentiles (Acts 13:1-4, 8).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 59, near the end of Paul's three-year stay in Ephesus (Acts 20:31; 1 Cor. 16:8).
- Place of Writing: Ephesus (Acts 19:21-22; 1 Cor. 16:3-8, 19).
- Recipients: The saints—the church—in Corinth and all who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place (1:2).
- Subject: Christ and His Cross as the Solution to All Problems in the Church
2 Corinthians
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 60, before the Epistle to the Romans was written; see notes 11 and 31 in Acts 20
- Place of Writing: Macedonia (2:13 and note 2; 7:5-6; 8:1; 9:2, 4).
- Recipients: The church of God in Corinth, with all the saints in the whole of Achaia (1:1).
- Subject: The New Covenant Ministry and Its Ministers
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 54, during Paul's second ministry journey, after traveling through Galatia and arriving in Corinth (Acts 18:1, 11).
- Place of Writing: Corinth, while Paul was there for a year and a half (Acts 18:1-11).
- Recipients: The churches in Galatia (1:2).
- Subject: Christ Replacing the Law and Being versus Religion and Tradition
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 64.
- Place of Writing: Rome, where Paul was imprisoned (3:1; 4:1; 6:20; Acts 28:30)
- Recipients: The saints in Ephesus (1:1).
- Subject: The Church—The Mystery of Christ, the Body of Christ as the Fullness of Christ, Becoming the Fullness of God
- Author: Paul with Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 64, perhaps after Ephesians was written (cf. 1:25; 2:24)
- Place of Writing: Rome, where Paul was imprisoned (1:13; Acts 28:30).
- Recipients: The saints in Philippi, with the overseers and deacons (1:1).
- Subject: Experiencing Christ—Taking Christ as Our Living, Pattern, Goal, Power, and Secret
- Author: Paul the apostle with Timothy the brother (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 64, when the Epistle to Philemon was written (4:9; Philem. 10-12)
- Place of Writing: Rome, where Paul was imprisoned (4:3, 10, 18).
- Recipients: The saints in Colossae (1:2).
- Subject: Christ—The All-inclusive One, Having the First Place in All Things as the Mystery and Embodiment of God, as the Head and Constituent of the Church, as the Allotted Portion, Life, Constituent, and Hope of the Saints, and as the Body of All Positive Things
1 Thessalonians
- Author: Paul with Silvanus and Timothy (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 54, during Paul's second ministry journey, while he remained in Corinth (1:1; 3:6; Acts 18:1, 5).
- Place of Writing: Corinth; see verses in the previous item.
- Recipient: The church of the Thessalonians (1:1).
- Subject: A Holy Life for the Church Life—Serving the Living God, Conducting Ourselves in a Holy Manner, and Waiting for the Lord's Coming
2 Thessalonians
- Author: Paul with Silvanus and Timothy (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 54, as with the first Epistle (1:1)
- Place of Writing: Corinth.
- Recipient: The church of the Thessalonians (1:1).
- Subject: Encouragement and Correction concerning the Holy Life for the Church Life
1 Timothy
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 65, after Paul's first Roman imprisonment
- Place of Writing: Probably Macedonia (1:3).
- Recipient: Timothy (1:2)
- Subject: God's Economy concerning the Church
2 Timothy
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 67, during Paul's second imprisonment, near the time of his martyrdom (4:6).
- Place of Writing: A Roman prison (1:16-17).
- Recipient: Timothy (1:2).
- Subject: Inoculation against the Decline of the Church
- Author: The apostle Paul (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 65, after Paul's first Roman imprisonment, when he had passed through Crete and arrived at Nicopolis (1:5; 3:12).
- Place of Writing: Nicopolis; see verses in the previous item.
- Recipient: Titus (1:4).
- Subject: The Maintenance of Order in the Church
- Author: Paul the apostle with Timothy the brother (v. 1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 64, shortly before Paul was released from his first Roman imprisonment (vv. 9, 22).
- Place of Writing: A Roman prison; see verses in the previous item.
- Recipients: Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and the church, which was in their house (vv. 1-2)
- Subject: An Illustration of the Believers' Equal Status in the New Man
- Author: Apparently the apostle Paul, who alone was qualified to write the deep, high, and rich content of this book. The mention of Timothy and the tone of the fellowship also point to Paul as the author (see also note 1 in 1:1).
- Time of Writing: Perhaps A.D. 67, after Paul's release from his first Roman imprisonment, while he was in Miletus (2 Tim. 4:20).
- Place of Writing: Perhaps Miletus (see verse in the previous item). The mention of “those from Italy” in 13:24 indicates that the book was not written in Rome.
- Recipients: The Hebrew believers, as indicated by the book's content.
- Subject: Christ Being Superior to Judaism and Everything Related to It, and the New Covenant Which He Consummated Being Better than the Old Covenant
- Author: James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Lord's flesh brother (1:1; Matt. 13:55).
- Time of Writing: Perhaps around A.D. 50, prior to the decline of the church, which is never alluded to in this book.
- Place of Writing: Probably Jerusalem, from which James apparently never departed.
- Recipients: The twelve tribes in dispersion (see 1:1 and notes 3 and 4).
- Subject: Practical Christian Perfection
1 Peter
- Author: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Probably around A.D. 64, prior to the martyrdom of Paul (see note 133 in ch. 5)
- Place of Writing: Babylon on the Euphrates (see note 132 in ch. 5).
- Recipients: The Jewish believers sojourning in the Gentile world (see 1:1 and note 5)
- Subject: The Christian Life under the Government of God
2 Peter
- Author: Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ (1:1).
- Time of Writing: Probably around A.D. 69, after Paul's martyrdom (cf. 3:15-16) and before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, as indicated by the allusions to the decline of the church; close to the time of Peter's martyrdom (1:14).
- Place of Writing: Perhaps Rome, where the tradition in church history places Peter's martyrdom.
- Recipients: The Jewish believers in dispersion in the Gentile world (see 1:1 and note 3)
- Subject: The Divine Provision and the Divine Government
1 John
- Author: John, the author of the Gospel of John, as indicated by this book's comparable style and tone.
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 90-95, after John's return from exile on Patmos, according to church history and the content of this book.
- Place of Writing: Ephesus, where, according to church history, John ministered in his last days.
- Recipients: The believers in general, who have the eternal life of God by believing into the Son of God (5:11-13)
- Subject: The Fellowship of the Divine Life
2 John
- Author: John the elder (v. 1).
- Time of Writing: After the first Epistle was written; see introduction to 1 John.
- Place of Writing: Ephesus, where, according to church history, John was an elder
- Recipients: A chosen lady and her children; see v. 1 and note 2.
- Subject: Prohibition against Participation in Heresy
3 John
- Author: John the elder (v. 1).
- Time of Writing: After the second Epistle was written; see introductions to 1 and 2 John
- Place of Writing: The same as the second Epistle; see introduction to 2 John.
- Recipient: Gaius (v. 1 and note 2).
- Subject: Encouragement to the Fellow Workers in the Truth
- Author: Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a flesh brother of James (the author of the Epistle of James) and of the Lord (v. 1 and note 1).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 69, before the destruction of Jerusalem and around the same time as the writing of 2 Peter, as indicated by allusions to the decline of the church similar to those found in 2 Pet. 2.
- Place of Writing: Jerusalem or Judea, though this is difficult to establish with certainty.
- Recipients: The Jewish believers, as indicated by the book's Jewish tone
- Subject: Contending for the Faith
- Author: The apostle John (1:1, 9).
- Time of Writing: Approximately A.D. 90, while John was in exile on the island of Patmos
- Place of Writing: The island of Patmos (1:9).
- Recipients: The seven churches in Asia (1:4)
- Subject: Christ as the Center of God's Administration according to God's Eternal Economy